The Genius Project – Pre-Evolution, the Above Average Trap!

One of the things that many people tend to accept is the goal of becoming “above average.” Many people actually set a goal to be considered above average. Being above average is safer than being the best. Being the best puts the spotlight on you, requires more bravery and often more self-honesty.

For some – those who don’t want to stand out, those who are insecure or doubt that they really deserve to be great – being told they are above average allows them to feel good about themselves without having to be the best. Being above average is secure, whereas being great is always more tenuous (e.g., Maybe next go round I wont be the best”). Being great requires that you challenge yourself, which is hard. Being mediocre and settling is easier.

The problem with being above average, though, is that it becomes a pair of padded handcuffs that hold you back and prevents you from becoming the genius you could be. But, just like the leech that numbs you while it sucks your blood, being above average allows you to feel just fine with yourself while the opportunity to become a genius is drained right out of you. Be just average. Be below average. At least that hurts enough that most people react to the pain and try to improve.

Being above average is that dangerous middle ground that isn’t as painful as below average, but not as hard and scary as being the best either. Its siren call can actually be very strong for a lot of people, and once you’re there you can become so hypnotized that you loose all interest in anything else. Cover your ears and don’t listen to that sweet, pain-free call of mediocrity.  

The most successful people among us don’t accept mediocrity. They don’t accept learned helplessness. They don’t accept that they are flawed. They refuse to accept being just another runner in the race and if they can’t be the best then they change races and find one where they can be. They seek out environments where their talents can make them the best, not just above average.  

If you can’t be the best in what you do – get the hell out! Do what Seth Godin talks about in his book, “The Dip.” Seth’s advice; “Quit for all the right reasons.” Don’t waste your potential genius. Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. Don’t settle for being anything other than a genius at what you do.

Mr. Timothy A. McGinty is the published co-author of the highly regarded Wake Up… Live the Life You Love® series. This series is a collaborative effort with such inspirational leaders as Tony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracey, Steven E, and Lee Beard.